Burntwood Heights
L2 light residential 2×2 growable
“Burntwood Heights” a duplex apartment with a modern shape and garage tucked underneath. Modern might be a misnomer, Burntwood Heights was once the designers vision of the future. Back in 1976 that is. Now it sits in an “ok” part of town and is the sort of place your uncle gets when he says he’s moving into a “sweet bachelor pad”. According to your cousin he got kicked out for being a drunk but hey. Your parents take you to see the place now that he’s moved closer to home. Several turns to his new address you know for sure your uncle is living in the old “nice” part of town. Trees that have grown too large for their aging house counterparts and streets that don’t get repaved as often.
The “modern” wood panelling is faded and drab. The shape is just… boxy? Apparently there is a patio out back for having “fine evenings with the new ladies in his life” but it’s really just two lawn chairs, old wet leaves, and some spiders that have taken up residence.
But hey, nobody lives at Burntwood longer than their first lease anyway. Maybe it’s just a decent bargain-priced apartment with rusty showers and a free shag rug.
1024 textures (diffuse, spec, bump, color)
4 color variations
280 polys
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