Canal Lock 4×8 [Asset]
A Parisian style two-way lock with 20m steel gates for large amounts of rowboat traffic. This asset transitions Canal Blocks into deeper water. Use the Terraform Tool to connect your rivers or lakes. This is the most expensive and powerhungry Block so far so it also has the biggest impact on land value.
Service: Park
Cost: 32000
Upkeep: 640/week
Power: 640KW
Tourism: ~20
Entertainment: 240
Range: 250
Size: 4×8
The base model is on the higher poly end and there’s several over- and underground parts…
Main prop: 4000 Poly, 8000 Tris, 5000 Verts
Prop LOD: ~ 300 Tris
Base: ~ 100 Tris (for placement guides only)
Base LOD: 280 Tris
1024×1024 Diff, Spec, Alpha, Color (only used to darken the generic concrete)
The walls indicate three water levels.
The first line (-3.3m) marks the static water level for the open chamber.
The center line (-14m) marks the level in the closed chamber.
The last line (-17m) marks the bottom of the gates.
You can dig in a total of 28 meters before you run out of wall.
I have done my best to make this work with the whole prop setup, different parts, underground texturing etc, but at some point you run out of workarounds for other workarounds. ? Some known issues:
– Bad prop/LOD transition
– Can’t add boats due to surface collision, other props like lights were also much harder to place.
– Peeps insist on walking accross the water, so I simply lowered the amount of tourists in favor of more entertainment.
– Water doesn’t always flood the closed chamber.
I know it’s not perfect but overall I’m quite happy with the end result, I hope you are too. ?