Canton Café
2×2 low-density level 1 commercial growable, based on an irl restaurant.
Main mesh: 1781 tris.
LoD mesh: 58 tris.
Textures 1024 and 128.
Decorations and props: Two lights, an entry point and a dumpster out back.
This is a real restaurant[www.google.ca] in Charlottetown P.E.I., a not-really-Chinese Chinese food restaurant. It’s been around since the early 70s – and I tell you, they have the best egg rolls this side of Montreal, even still.
This was another backlog project that I was able to get around to finishing. Nothing to it. It’s a stand-alone. Small towns aren’t small towns in North America without that one, good not-really-Chinese Chinese food place. This is an iconic spot in my town – as much a part of it, and almost as prominent, as the Confed Centre, Province House or Victoria Park, imho. It’s also plausible they haven’t changed the wallpaper inside this restaurant since the mid 1970s, which is fantastic.
It’s not quite to scale with the actual building, but that’s so it fits the C:S 2×2 footprint. It snugs on the right side to anything placed beside it – but not on the left. It’s on a corner irl.
If you see anything busted here, please let me know.
Thanks again. Source files are here.