Cape Pancake – flat w/ prebuilt highways
A totally flat map with a completely prebuilt highway system – for nice and easy playing! Theme: Europe.
The whole area (25 tiles) that you may purchase is completely flat, apart from the waters of course. Surrounding the game area, there are nice waterfalls and hills. The start tile is in the middle of the sea coast.
All types of natural resources are to be found at several locations. I created the maximum number of outside connections (highway, ferry, train, aeroplane).
The highway system is completely prebuilt with a square pattern. it will save you a lot of work and money – you don’t pay any build or maintenance costs for the prebuilt highways. There are some railroads also, those are at least a good start, and possibly all you’ll need.
I used custom assets to create the highway system and I strongly recommend subscribing to them, because it’s possible you’ll end up with no highways at all if you don’t have them. The custom highway assets were created by other people, all credit belongs to them!