Chirpigroup Center
Get the Ploppable RICO mod here and these Uniques will function just like growables.
Landmark Building
Cost: 150,000
Upkeep: 1,280 / week
Size: 8×8 units
Height: 188 meters
Next up from the studios that brought you Jagged Up All To Hell and Oh God Why Won’t The Tearing Stop?! is a reinterpretation of Los Angeles’ Citigroup Center[en.wikipedia.org]. I’ve compressed the floor count a bit, omitted ‘complications’ in the facade, base, and roofs, and ultimately ended up adding a ton of vertical columns to hide the botch-job C:S was doing in stitching together texturing.
Probably my best building yet – though I said that the last two times as well I think – because of the added roof and plaza details and me ~finally~ learning how to model in 3ds Max. Doing your geometry work in the same software package as the texture mapping is a life-saver folks! Get away from the SketchUp. Get awaaaay!
Again, there’s tons of jaggies (blocky thingies) around because of the game’s anti-aliasing approach, and me being a sucker for too many vertical elements of course. Still, it looks decent enough even on lower textures if I may say so myself.
Mad props to Feindbild for creating, and letting me use his two ‘fire escape’ props. This saved me loads of time and texture space! Go check out his Brooklyn , its assorted buildings, and all his other goodies you can find for the one weird trick for awesome citybuilding. Computers hate it.
Let me know if anything seems off or wrong with this building, and maybe we can fix it!
Main model tri count: 3716
Texture size: 1024×1024
Texture types: Diffuse, specular, normal, illumination, alpha
LOD tri count: 152
LOD bake: custom 256×256 diffuse, specular, normal, illumination
RICO jobs: 84