Church of Dražovce
Dražovce Church (officially the Church of St. Michael the Archangel) is one of the oldest churches in Slovakia , dating from the 11th century, located at Dražovce (now part of Nitra). It is a typical early Romanesque architecture single nave building with thick enclosure walls and small roundish apse. It is no longer used. Research from 1947 and 1948 discovered 55 graves around the church.
Kostol bol postavený v polovici 11. storočia. Objekt predstavuje typ románskeho emporového kostola s jednoloďovým priestorom ukončeným polokruhovou apsidou. Jeho dnešný stav je po pamiatkovej obnove z rokov 1993 – 1999. Kostol mal dve empory (chóry), jedna sa nachádzala pod vežou a druhá bola umiestnená na epištolovej strane.
– unique buildings (landmarks)
– level 3
– 18 000 construction cost
Model INFO
map – d (1024×1024)
triangles – 2322
Big thanks to TOMAS13TO and Wooder.cz