CIMTaxi Prop Pack Round 2
The CIMTaxi Depot now contains an empty version so you can decorate your own. This way, you can make your taxi depots stay relevant to the newest CIMTaxis. All new and future CIMTaxi props will be here!
Props are located in the COMMON Category. Use the More Beautification Mod to place in game and the Prop And Tree Anarchy Mod to place anywhere. Anarchy should be always on if you don’t want to lose your props after you save.
If you want individual props, go to your SteamLibrarysteamappsworkshopcontent255710 and find the folder with the corresponding Steam ID (1240158993) and delete the ones you don’t want from the directory.
2017 Rav4 Taxi
2016 Ford Fusion Taxi
2016 Ford CMax Taxi
2018 Toyota Prius Taxi (release not yet set)