Circular Town Modular v1
Have you ever wanted to build a circular town or neighbourhood but just can’t get those circles right? Then this is for you!
This asset allows you to create a nearly perfectly circular road layout with a few clicks of your mouse. Simply plop the four quadrants in place, place the missing roads, and get building!
Asset details:
The finished product will be a 200 acre layout consisting of five concentric one-way road circles in alternating directions, connected by eight straight one-way roads, also in alternating directions. The outer road is a six lanes wide and the rest are two lanes. I recommend using four lane avenues to fill in the last four road spaces, as shown in the images.
All roads are the basic type, so you can use this asset as soon as you have the cash for it, without having to reach any milestones.
It has been designed for maximum zoning possibilities, with only a one tile gap between zones.
This gap is filled by Pedestrian pathways that connect all twelve of the radial roads to each-other, acting like sort of alleyways and ensuring your Cims can get to their neighbour’s barbecues while enjoying a leisurely stroll away from the noise and the traffic.
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