Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
This map focuses on the downtown area of Cleveland, as well as the central and southern, Greater-Cleveland Area. The heightmap was obtained through Terrain.party. I edited the heightmap to make the terrain stick out some more. As for the placement of the highways and railways, I used an overlay mod with a map from the National Atlas, so it is accurate to some extent, yet a little messy.
The placement of the highways involved the NoPillars mod. This allowed me to place the highways in the way I could, but they also have led to some messy placement.
The flow of the Cuyahoga River is very poor, so I can only recommend playing with the waste treatment plant unlocked and the water pumps on Lake Erie.
Ultimately, this is not a perfect map, but I hope it will allow folks to enjoy a really neat location! I do not expect any required mods, but let me know if it doesn’t function.
Mods I used to make this:
Unlimited Outside Connections (Beta)
Fine Road Heights
Better Image Overlay
Details from Terrain.party:
terrain.party README
Hooray! You’ve exported some stuff from terrain.party v1.2!
If you should want to export this again for any reason:
Now: what did you get?
Height Maps
* cleveland oh 1t1 Height Map (ASTER 30m).png
ASTER is the most recent public survey of elevation on Earth. It has high
coverage and high (~30m) resolution. However, the instrument can get
confused by high concentraions of clouds and mountains, creating gaps in
the data that need to be repaired by hand.
* cleveland oh 1t1 Height Map (Merged).png
[!] If you look at one height map, look at this one. [!] This is a mix of ASTER (~30m), USGS NED (~10m), and SRTM30+ (~900m). It
provides good global elevation data (ASTER) and better US elevation data
(USGS NED) with hole-filling and bathymetry from SRTM30+.
* cleveland oh 1t1 Height Map (SRTM3 v4.1).png
SRTM data was originally provided by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
but SRTM3 v4.1 is the result of considerable effort from CGIAR-CSI. It has
a ~30m resolution in the US and a ~90m resolution elsewhere.
* cleveland oh 1t1 Height Map (SRTM30 Plus).png
SRTM30+ data is very, very coarse (~900m). This might be useful if you’d
like to follow the general contours of the land (and seafloor!) without
having every single contour. (But really, it’s here because… why not?)
* cleveland oh 1t1 Height Map (USGS NED 10m).png <I used this height map>
The National Elevation Dataset is provided by the US Geological Survey. It
has a ~10m resoution throughout the United States, and it generally has
extremely good quality.
Elevation Adjustment
The original elevation models for this area contained elevations ranging from
133 through 335 meters.
These elevation values need to get transformed into a grayscale images. This
section describes how that translation was done in this particular case.
(The game isn’t yet released, so what follows is a guess, but I think it’s a
pretty good guess. If this turns out to be wrong, please use the link above to
re-export this data once we figure out what the deal is.)
Cities: Skylines supports terrain from 0m to 1024m. It represents elevations as
16-bit unsigned integers, which can be read directly from 16-bit height maps.
Each level therefore corresponds to 1/64th of a meter: 0 is 0m, 64 is 1m, etc.
Cities: Skylines maps default to having sea level at 40m, with typical terrain
starting at 60m.
These heightmaps were adjusted such that 133m (actual) is equal to 40m in
game. All other elevations are relative to that.
Again, the lowest point in these height maps is now 40m in game; all other
terrain is even higher. You will likely want to adjust the water level as a