Cliffsides pack – Arid
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic
A pack of cliffside rocks to decorate those near-vertical slopes, where you can’t put much else. They’re made to handle stretching pretty well and conform to the terrain. This pack contains 3 large cliff faces and 4 smaller ones.
They match my Semi Desert Theme very well, while they look alright with Vanilla Rock by GCVoss and California Coast by thescarydude, though they are a little too saturated/not saturated enough for a perfect fit.
When placed in or partially in water they push the water away in a box around them. To avoid this use the Building Anarcy mod and change placement to “On Water”, then place them in water and move them to the correct position with MoveIt
To my patrons Pasi & Jaco ?
Large cliffsidesModel
Tris: 1432-1440
Texture: 512×1024LOD
Tris: 121-122
Texture: 256×128CliffsidesModel
Tris: 937-952
Texture: 512×512LOD
Tris: 125-126
Texture: 128×128