A high-speed cloverstack interchange, not taking those remaining left-hand loops into account of course! No landscaping in this interchange either, the screenshots show how it looks when placed on a nice map.
Size: 236×234 cells laterally (including some very shallow splits and merges at the ends), 62/68 cells across the diagonal
Base cost: 125920 (welp!)
Upkeep: 1520 p/w
Max height: 18 meters
Right-hand drive
Built with:
Precision Engineering
Fine Road Heights Mod
Usable without mods!
Part of my real life-sized interchange collection.
Check out the guide I created on making these kinds of real life-sized interchanges.
Another high-speed interchange, this time the longest as well (though not with as big of a footprint as my turbine). I keep using Fine Road Heights to depress total height and add some embankments; a highly recommended mod when building interchanges in my opinion!
Because of its three levels of roadways, maximum height is 18 meters (with 9 meter clearances). It took a lot of effort to get the pillars on the flyovers to clear the underlying freeways and loops, necessitating a slight widening of the median on the mainlines, but in the end it all worked out pretty well. Both the ‘stack’ and outer connector parts of this interchange have a nice sweeping feel to them to my mind.
For the loops I’ve used my standard sized 12×8 – 8×8 – 8×12 nicely transitioning ones, leading into a tightest-turn radius designed for 35 km/speeds. The other connectors are rated for way faster use though: 16×16 @ 45° on the flyovers for a 75 km/h design speed, and 36×24 – 24×36 @ 90° total on the double transitions for the right-hand turns; a whopping 90 km/h design speed, which is actually faster than those Highway Ramp-type roads can be used at in the base game!
The splits and merges on those fast connectors are really shallow as well thanks to NoPillars’ overlap mode (around 19 cells / 152 meters, coming in at about 15°), meaning that there is ample time for road users to make the decision on where they want to be going. Overall this should be a pretty high-capacity interchange!