Commercial Air Transport – Blimp
The future is here – let your cims travel in style in these high-tech, futuristic air ships! The Commercial Air Transport is a long-distance sci-fi aircraft with four stories of cabins, plus amenities and utilities for the passengers.
In the originally release (still available on my workshop) this asset wasn’t functional, but with the new inclusion of blimps to the game I had to get it working! So now you can see this vessle drift slowly around your city, taking passengers all over. The main visual difference between this version and the old one is that the back engine now lights up yellow instead of white, and that the window light pattersn do not change over time. This is because vehicles use a different light-map system from parks and buildings. PLEASE NOTE! This asset is very large, and does not fit nicely onto the vanilla blimp dock! I may end up creating a custom dock to go with this ship in the future, but that’s probably awhile away, so in the mean time if you plan to use this, I’d reccomend building your blimp stations with a little extra room on both sides (just so it looks realistic, it won’t actually mess anything up.) I guess if enough people really want it I can always release a scaled down version as well.
Special Thanks to Ronyx69 for the help with figuring out to remove the default blimp rotors and billboards, CO did not make it easy!
Tri Count: 3574
LOD Tri Count: 662 (Sorry)
Map Size: 1024×1024
LOD Map Size: 256×256
Maps: Diffuse, Illumination, Specular, Normal
If you’d like to show your support for this asset, donations are appreciated!