Cross Town Local Tram Car
Cross Town Local Tram Car by MrMaison
UPDAE 2- 3/3/2016: Fixed LOD livery color and added LOD color map.
UPDATE 3/3/2016: Changed default color to Off-White/Grey for better color variation support. Also added a design for livery.
This is my first tram I started a while back.
We found parts in various old yards and put this thing together. It’s a cross between American and Canadian designs.
I call it “CrossTown Local” as it gets the Cims from point A to B.
It have night lighting and modeled windows for better glass detail and illumination and doors on both sides.
Cims love to ride these trams. What sets this tram apart from the similar looking ones is not only the lighting but inside there’s a nook where Cims can make themselves Tea or Coffee and help themselves to donuts or buscuits in the morning. At night alchoholic nips are available too. This tram also have an awesome audio system that plays Smooth Jazz and Soft Rock. ?
6,603 Tris for main model. (mainly due to modeled windows) 1024 texture
150 Tris for custom LOD. 256 texture