CTCN Transport – Blimp
The CTCN Transport hovers over the city, humming as it drifts through the rain and fog, protecting its passengers within from the pollution and elements outside.
It’s back! And this time it’s functional! You may remember my old CTCN Transport asset, a simple park for sci-fi aesthetics that let you have a small nonfuncitonal airship hover over your city. Thanks to the Mass Transit DLC, now the CTCN Transport can actually take your cims around your city, functioning as a blimp! Also, unlike the Commercial Air Transport, this one does fit neatly into the vanilla blimp station, so if you were worried about the size of that one, but still want a Sci Fi ship, this should do nicely.
Special Thanks to Ronyx69 for helping me figure out how to remove the default rotors and billboards, CO did not make it easy!
Tri Count: 9794 (It’s a lot, I’m sorry, I know.)
LOD Tri Count: 750 (Sorry)
Map Size: 1024×1024
LOD Map Size: 256×256
Maps: Diffuse, Illumination, Specular, Normal
If you’d like to show your support for this asset, donations are appreciated!