David Stott Building
David Stott Bulding is one of the most iconic Art Deco skyscrapers in Detroit. It was named in honor of English-born buisinessman David E. Stott and completed in 1929. (Wikipedia)
This is a level 3 corner office building so if you want this building to spawn, you need level 1 and level 2 3×3 “corner” office buliding and you can subscribe to the assets that I made:
Quill Building :
Quiller Building :
and Thanks ▒░ Sgt. Horseface ░▒ for the suggestion!
Asset Info:
Growable(Corner) – 3×3 – Level 3 Office Building
MODEL – 5,608 triangles with 1024×2048 textures (d,c,i,n,s)
LOD – 258 triangles with 256×512 textures (d,c,i,s)