DB 218 Push-Pull Regional Train
This item resembles a basic regional train from the 1960s to 80s (Nahverkehrs-/Eilzug) for push-pull operation. The train consists of a class 218 diesel engine with four n-Wagen[de.wikipedia.org] cars in their original silver livery. To enable pushing operation, the train features a first-gen n-Wagen control car (straight from the factory, thus not as weathered as the other cars ;-).
Four cars fit quite well into the default station length, combined with the control car, this makes it a good alternative to DMUs/EMUs on terminal lines.
Destination signs reflect line color. Support for Vehicle Effects mod (optional), enabling diesel smoke and sound, a third headlight for the engine and direction-dependent headlights for the control car.
New: If you subscribe to both, Vehicle Effects and Extra Vehicle Effects, you get:
- Turbo-diesel sound effect with delayed turbo rpm, simulating turbine inertia (video and video)
- Functional rear lights
- Rolling stock sounds for passenger and cargo trains (video)
- Braking sound, speed dependent
- Wheel flange grinding/squealing in curves (depending on radius and speed)
- Door closing sounds
Speed: 120 km/h (default)
Passenger Capacity: 35 (default)
Quads: 560 (engine), 335 (trailers)
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Historical photo: Manfred Kopka, CC-BY-SA 4.0,