Decorative Tree 6 (Med) CC
A-Z Handmade Decorative Tree 6 (Med)
This is the latest Tree in the series. Better textures (More living green variants, brighter, visible branches, smaller leaves, a bit moss on the trunk) Better Model, (Since everyting is a learning process, this is the best model). But it is not as lush as the others and has more tris. Little performance impact, Tested with 200’000 Trees.
1193 Polys
2230 Tris
1470 Verts
Maps 1024
Normalmap: All
Normals Light Corrected: Yes
LUT used for Screenshots:
Also load a different version of the Decorative Trees here:
Recommend Random Tree Rotation Mod:
Recommend Tree Brush Mod:
Use AO and Daylight Classic Mod for better Lightning: