District Service Limit 3.0
Update for the “District Service Limit”, originally written by gsteigert.
This version updates it to work with C:S 1.9 Green Cities, and provides the full functionality of the original version (extra districts panel per service), as well as fixing several bugs and incompatibilities.
Description from the original mod:
Restricts the service buildings to serve only the surrounding district + additional districts defined by you. Also control where the citizens of a given district are allowed to work, do shopping, attend schools and hospitals/clinics.
No matter where you plop service buildings, the spawned vehicles may eventually travel long distances to fulfill the citizens’ needs. This results in increased traffic and lower service efficiency, forcing you to plop additional service buildings and spending more money.
This mod works in a simple way: if your service building is part of a district, it will only serve the buildings within that same district. In case it’s outside a district it will work as usual, servicing everybody. If the service building needs emptying (landfill, cemetery, etc), then it may use either buildings of the current district or buildings that do not belong to any district. On top of that, additional districts may be configured per building in case you think it can handle the demand.
— v3.0, build 6513 (performance optimization) —
— v3.0, build 6510, date 2017-10-28 —
* improved taxi depot/stand/vehicle passenger pick-up
* enabled coverage panels on education and park building, if corresponding citizen restrictions are enabled in the settings
— v3.0, build 6508, date 2017-10-26 —
* made functional under C:S 1.9 Green Cities
* fixed all service dispatch problems (garbage, health, …)
* compatibility with MOM, SubBuildingTabsEnabler, and other mods that modify the service panel
This mod is licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3.
The source code is provided as-is below on github.
Idea and original coding for “District Services” by gsteigert .