Dubai Tram Station V2 HD
Dubai Tram Station V2 HD by Gilgamesh
This is the HD version of this park
Why a new asset?
Because it’s a total rebuild:
– smaller footprint
– New HD optimised texture map (for the same previous size!)
– Less Props
– enhanced model
One can plug tram stops in the park ( in the middle of the lane is better ? )
The asset can be located inside the park menu
Concerning the need of crossroads, it’s not absolute, it’s just if there is only one side connected to a pedestrian acces. and you can just connect one extremity.
Diffuse/normal/specular 1024×1024 (64×64)
Tris: 4128 (134)
Weight: 73.56 (2.48)
Size: 4×4
Electricity: 80Kw
Cost: 8000
Fire Hazard: 5
Fire Tolerance: 80
Garbage: 5
Maintenance: 240/week
Tourists: 100 (25/25/50)
Sewage: 5
Water: 96m3/week
Entertainment: 300
Entertainment raidus: 600
Pollution: 0
Noise: 0
Make the workshop live, rate ! ?