dutch bridge
dutch bridge by dazflint
A traditional Dutch drawbridge as seen in Amsterdam (Holland) and throughout the Netherlands. Known in Dutch as an Ophaalbrug, and in French as a Bascule.
This asset is modelled to fit nicely over the new in-game canals – but you could use it to span any short (ca. 8-12 cells) body of water. The ‘deck’ of the bridge isn’t modelled – this means that you can use it with any 2-cell width network type – e.g. an ordinary one- or two-way road, a railway, or a tram track etc.
Easy placement:
1) Create your canal or body of water
2) Draw your network (e.g. your road) across the water to create a standard ‘vanilla’ bridge.
TIP: Use ‘no pillars’ at this point, if you have that mod! Not essential, but result looks more authentic.
3) Place your Dutch Bridge (found under Parks menu). The footprint of the bridge is a single 1×1 cell square of concrete. Place this along your roadside, 1/2/3 cells back from the canal. The model will display during placement, so you can easily see the results.
4) Click to place! ?
Obviously the bridge doesn’t open – CO haven’t (yet) allowed custom animations. If ever they do allow it, this bridge would be great to animate! ?