[E]168m Elaveted modular station set
Move It!で駅を動かさないでください。最悪ゲームが強制終了します。
Fine Road Anarchyを作動させてから設置してください。
Do not move this station use Move It!. It possibility stop the cities skylines.
Use Fine Road Anarchy when build this station.
-This station motif suburban Tokyo “New commuter train line”s station build in 1985. It is 3 asset include modular station.
Station entrance. There is supermarket and restrant.
tris: 2912 -texture:2048×1024 [EB] ELV station module
プラットホームと線路です 複線
Station track and platform.
tris: 5324 -texture:2048×1024
platform length: 168m -track height: 12m [W1] ELV wall unit
tris: 1330 -texture:2048×1024
In planning more module.
It can stop
11cars– default train,
10 cars(16m car)– NYC subway A division,
9 cars(18m car)– 京急(Keikyu), 京阪(keihan),阪神(hanshin), NYC subway B division,
8 cars(20m car)– Japanese JR and other(without Shinkansen), British commuter train, Korail, 台鉄(Taiwan), Russian Metro, Электричка(Russian commuter),
6 cars(~26m car)– EU and US typical cars, Russia railways, Chana railways and CRH, Shinkansen,Taiwan MRT, Singapore MRT,
M+6T+M(8cars)– TGV,
How to make longer train station.{GUIDE}