Efficient Cargo Harbor
Just a cargo harbor with a 1 way 6 lane street.
I figured I would improve upon the cargo harbor since it always causes traffic problems. This one came out nice with the custom assets!
Important Stats:
Construction Cost: 120,000 (More than the regular cargo harbor)
Water: 560/week
Power: 1120 KW
Upkeep: 320/week
Noise Pollution: 120
It is less to maintain than the original harbor but it still has noise pollution so watch where you put it. It also might be finnicky on shorelines so make sure you have room.
I think I got all of the custom assets that I used for these on the required addons thing, let me know if anything is messed up or missing. I don’t think you need to subscribe to the cargo harbor template but I added it anyways since I used it. Not sure if it will work without all of them but its probably ok without them just it will look ugly.
All custom assets belong to the creators!
P.S….. check out my park pack here!