Elevated Double Track Train Station
Hello all, I would like to share elevated double floor -double track- train station with you. It has two seperate tracks and floors top of each other. This building is heavily inspired by Dubai Metro Station.
BloodyPenguin helped a lot in creating process of this asset (both Dubai Metro Station suggestion, also about his mod-elevated train tracks- and with his critics this station became better asset before uploading. Thank you again for your great help!
UPDATE 1 (12.10.2015)
BloodyPenguin removed power line poles and fixed train tracks’ lengths. And also he fixed invisible pedestrian paths inside building. No more need for road anarchy (no steep slope problem) Big thanks!
*Videos and indoor images belong to old version, so you may see power line poles in station but they dont exist in updated one.
There are 3 mods you should use.
1.Elevated Train Station Tracks (BloodyPenguin)
2.NoPillars (BloodyPenguin)
3.Multi Track Station Enabler (Sims firehouse) or Multi-Track Station Enabler for After Dark (DontCryJustDie)
HOW TO BUILD & USE (or you can follow video)
1.Use floating option from NoPillars mod if you cannot connect rails in normal way.
2.Create a line as usual, this will create line for 1st floor and also this floor will be used by regional trains too.
3.Create another line by pressing shift for 2nd floor. (make sure you have Multi Track Station Enabler)
MINOR PROBLEMS (you can only see if you go really closer like 1st person view)
1.Some of pedestrians hover a bit over platforms (2nd floor) because pedestrian ways are snapped to certain height and couldnt change fine heights)
2.Top of trains that uses 2nd floor touches glass part of station (at two ends of station)
2075 tris main model -diffuse,specular,normal,illumination maps.
284 tris custom lod model- diffuse,illumination maps
Uploading image is not working for me now so here is link if anyone would like to see other images :
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