Elevated Over Road Train Station 路上高架車站
fix pedestrian path;
no more “distance too short” error message
I wanted to make something with semi-transparent glass and animated escalator, like BadPeanut’s Sotunder Sunken Station, so here is it: a new elevated over road station. Overall design is inspired by Berlin Central Station.
Like my last station (Taichung MRT Station), it’s designed to place above any avenue with median. Please go there for the placement instruction.
Special thanks to Ronyx69, who discovered the rotor shader, for providing the source files of his Apple Store Fifth Avenue.
Also thanks to MrMiyagi for allowing me to use his billboard . I also named some streets and places after them and other great creators like MrMaison, Avanya, Boformer, TPB. Thanks their contributions to this community.
And thanks Jerenable’s Guide to making limited animated assets.
If you want to use it as metro station, please use Train & Train Stations Converter . (Thanks Rhowarion for the test!)
Please use any mod with Road Anarchy (e.g. Fine Road Anarchy ) to place the avenue beneath the station.
Enjoy and thank you for subscribing!
我想試做真實玻璃的東西和像BadPeanut的 Sotunder Sunken Station 裡的動畫手扶電梯,所以我做了這個高架車站,車站設計參考柏林中央車站。
特別感謝發現rotor shader的Ronyx69分享他的Apple Store Fifth Avenue原資料檔。
也感謝MrMiyagi 讓我使用他的廣告看板,我用他們和其他創作家如MrMaison、Avanya、Boformer、TPB的名字來命名一些街道和地點,感謝他們對這個社群的貢獻
如想將車站改為地鐵站,請使用Train & Train Stations Converter . (感謝 Rhowarion 的測試!)
設置車站需要任何無碰撞MOD(如Fine Road Anarchy )。
stats: same stats as vanilla train station
基本資料: 同遊戲原本車站
模型資料 | model infos:
Tris: 4280 total |
maps: 32×64, 64×64, 512×512, 512×1024 (d,a,i,n,s,c) |
LOD tris: 114 total |
LOD maps: 128×128, 256×256 (d,a,i,n,c,s) |
my workshop stuff 我的工作坊物品
Tags: elevated train station, over road station, glass, animation, animated escalator
by Emperor Li