Enhanced Building Capacity
It’s a fully customizable building AI enhancement mod. You can configure how many dwellers the residential buildings have or how much garbage accumulates at industrial buildings. The goal is a more balanced gameplay experience, but since it’s customizable you can have 600 households in a level 1 apartment if you like to.
To cut the matter short, it’s an improved version of the PopBalanceMod from Kundun
When you’re using this mod, as for any building AI modifying mod, I recommend starting a new game and then don’t change the configuration file while playing this save game. The reason for that is when Cities:Skylines creates a new building it loads the (modified) building AI data (from the mod) and saves it in a container for that particular building. If you now change any of the configurations the savegame will still be fully functional, but the previous build buildings will load the old values saved in their container. Commercial, industrial and office buildings can and will be patched with the new values whereas I didn’t manage to patch residential buildings. To solve this you could either bulldoze every old residential building or start a new savegame. However, if you don’t care about these buildings having different values than set in the configuration file – go ahead.
Right now the mods’ default configurations are the games default values. Put simply, if you don’t change the configuration file yourself the game experience will remain the same.
A config file with the PopBalanceMod values can be found: here[github.com].
Well, I have to admit I did try changing the values, but it was never quite balanced. Now as the mod is customizable I thought you might be better in creating some balanced configuration I will make the default, if you share them with me. (Most certainly I will give you proper credit on this page).
To make a long story short, any mod not modifying the building AIs should be working fine.
If you find any mod not compatible please let me know and I’ll add it to the list.
Not compatible:
- Proper Hardness
- Building Simulation Overhaul
Version 1.1:
- Added: an option to adjust the capacity of educational services (schools)
Note: By default it’s turned off. To turn it on change the override-attribute to “true”
Note2: The tooltip still shows the default value, but it works like it should when the school is placed - Added: self-repairing of the configuration file
Note: If you made a mistake you can now just delete the whole line or block and it will be recreated with the default value, when you start a new game or load a savegame - Fixed: an issue where changes to the config file will not be loaded to existing buildings.
A config file will be created when you start a new game or load a savegame and the mod is activated. It can be found your steam directory (“..SteamSteamAppscommonCities_Skylines”) and is called “EnhancedBuildingCapacityConfig.xml”. The mod will reload the file every time you load or start a game, so you don’t have to exit the game if you want to change some settings.
In case you wonder “Capacity” defines how many residents a house can hold or how many people can work at a specific workplace.
And don’t worry if you break your configuration file. If the mod cannot read the file it will create backup-file with the suffix -“BACKUP.xml”, -“BACKUP2.xml”, etc. and create a new one with the default values.
If you’ve done a mistake and want to have the default value just delete the line or the complete block and the next time you start a new game or load one it will be added. (See:
The source code can be found here: