Eurostar 373 Trainset (Western Europe)
Here’s the Eurostar 373 Trainset in it’s original launch livery (old waves logo)
Default capacity is 275, but you can easily change that AND the speed with the Advanced Vehicles Mod.
Assignable Line colours represented by the yellow accents in the power car, as well as the body striping in each of the carriages.
To do:
Reduce texture sizes for the carriages (they are currently ALL 1024×1024, I would like to see those downsized to 512×512)
Replace half of the train with the new Eurostar Logo (e logo). This would mean that half the cars will carry the new logo and half the cars will carry the old logo. This should be done within the next week or so.
October 06 2015: Updated for After Dark
Doing these mods is purely a hobby for me, one that takes a pretty huge chunk of my free time. All that keeps me going are the kind words of thanks. If you are feeling particularly generous, why not consider buying me a coffee/beer/drink of your choice with a donation (via paypal)?
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