Faculty Building (University)
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a university building.
About the model
Some people requested a few more buildings for a campus in the comments of Jubilee Hall. Since it was only a minor effort to cut the original up and remove some details I figured I might as well. This shares the same textures as Jubilee Hall and as such will only take up minor space in your ram if you have the loading screen mod. The asset only has a few props, take the screenshots as an example for some detailing or add your own.
You can always follow my assetcreations on the Simtropolis forums: or on sketchfab:
This model has about 8296 tris and a 3072×512 texture , with a diffuse, shadow, normal, illumination and specularmap.This model has a custom LoD, which is about 193 tris with a 512×256 texture, with a diffuse, specular and illumination map.
If you want this building added to your RICO buildings, add it in the settings menu, under education buidings. I recommend using the realistic population mod, this will calculate the amount of occupants in the building.
About the building
Jubilee Hall is the oldest academic building on the campus of Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee. Completed in 1876, it was the university’s first permanent building, and is a good local example of Gothic Revival architecture. It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1974, in recognition of the university’s place as one of the first historically black colleges and universities to be established after the American Civil War. It presently serves as an undergraduate residence hall.
Jubilee Hall is located on the northern side of the Fisk University Campus, on a loop drive at the northern end of 17th Avenue North at Meharry Boulevard. It is a large L-shaped masonry building, six stories in height, with a hip roof encrusted with gabled dormers and projections. Its main facade is divided into a central section and slightly projecting end sections, with a tower rising at the junction of the center and right sections. The tower rises to an open octagonal belfry and steeple, all adorned with Gothic spires. WIndows are generally set in segmented-arch openings, either singly or pairwise, with arched stone lintels. The main roof cornice has decorative brick corbelling.
Fisk University was founded in 1865 through the efforts of the antislavery American Missionary Association, and was named for Clinton B. Fiske. The school was qualitatively different from other schools, in that it was designed from the outset to provide a full liberal arts education to its African-American students. In 1871, the financially trouble school raised funds to build Jubilee Hall by sending the Fisk Jubilee Singers in their first European singing tour in 1873. Jubilee Hall was built in 1873-76 with proceeds from the tour. It was designed by New York architect Stephen D. Hatch.
Although its exterior is little changed, the interior has been completely modernized to provide dormitory facilities. It also houses a floor-to-ceiling portrait of the original Jubilee Singers that was given to the university by Queen Victoria during the 1873 tour.