Fire Spread [ Fixed for C:S 1.3.2+ ]
This is a fixed and improved version of @apoc’s Fire Spread mod.
This mod provides a settings file (FireSpreadSettings.xml) that can be found in root directory of C:S game files. If you feel that fire spread is too aggressive just change values there.
BaseFireSpreadChance – float – The base chance (in %) that a building can have fire spread from it
NoWaterFireSpreadAdditional – float – An additional chance (in %) that a building can have fire spread from it, if there is no water hookups to the building. This is added on top of the base chance.
UneducatedFireSpreadAdditional– float – An additional chance (in %) that a building can have fire spread from it, if there are no educated workers building. This is added on top of the base chance.
IndustrialFireSpreadAdditional– float – An additional chance (in %) that an industiral building can have fire spread from it, if there are no educated workers building. This is added on top of the base chance.
PowerPlantFireSpreadAdditional– float – An additional chance (in %) that a power plant can have fire spread from it, if there are no educated workers building. This is added on top of the base chance.
FireSpreadModifier – float – A modifier for the overall chance for fire to be spread from a building. The internal ‘random’ generator creates a number between 0.0 and 1.0 so this value should modify the total chance to within that range.
GitHub Repository[]
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Note: if you have any errors/exceptions, please, don’t paste them or output_log.txt into comments. Use pastebin, dropbox or whatever.
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