[FIXED] Volvo Double Decker Bus
This is the proper functional vehicle. Do not use the old one
Perhaps your city needs more than just the single deckers. A double decker bus offers much more capacity in the same space. The only issue is that it takes slightly longer to unload and load. However, that slowness is made up for by the excellent view from the second floor.
Creator Note: I’m not sure what brand these are. It read Ayansis on the back of the Grey Line I took pictures of, but I couldn’t find any examples of that in the internet. Thus, I rebranded them as Volvo (they probably are built on the same platform)
3903 Tris
Textures 1024 x 1024
All stats are the same as the default bus.
Derived from this model [3dwarehouse.sketchup.com].Despite the textures looking extremely similar, I actually hand painted the textures for this vehicle.