Fjordland No DLC No Theme version
Fjordland No DLC, No Theme Version. I would have converted the many country highways to NExt2, but it’s better to leave the choice of mod or no mod up to you. See help images re: upgrading your country roads.
– You still get all decoration.
– Sand (snow in MT version’s theme) has been removed rom mountaintops
– Ore (highland heath in MT version) and Ore (leaves in MT version) have been moved off of decoration areas and placed as regular resource deposits
– Small MT 2 lane highways build throughout the map have been converted to onramp (otherwise you couldn’t open the map to begin with), and so you can choose whether you want Network Extensions or not, and what roads you want to change the country lanes to (or bulldoze of course)
– No required theme, converted to Temperate so you are free to choose a map theme you prefer from temperate themes, many of which count among some of the nicest map themes out in the workshop. You can of course convert any map using BloodyPenguin’s Environment Changer mod (see images for example of using the mod)
Project started in 2015
Traffic System You will not see the usual regular traffic on your highways for quite some time.. This is intentional. There are explanatory images above. The traffic will definitely come, but you will be able to handle the more realistic levels because all traffic not actually destined for your city has been moved to an outer ring that you cannot see at the start square.
With a backdrop of soaring glacier-scoured moutains with cascading waterfalls, Fjordland is a maze of islands and peninsulas whose calm, serene fjords offer tranquil beauty for your new city. Gently rolling countryside surround your center city area with endless possibilites for a spread of villages and satellite towns built among beautiful small-scale landscape features with majestic snow covered peaks in the distance.
Development time: This map was started August 2015. Glad to see it “finished enough”
Detailing explanation: Scenic, unbuildable parts in your start area are highly decorated. There are a few other detailed areas but mostly I intended to leave you with a small list of good props, decals and trees, show you some examples of what you can do with them, and leave the rest of decoratting up to you
See detailed images above to get full information and advice on planning your city.
– Thanks to Mr Maison and Pdelmo for the trees made especially for this map! The Norway Spruce and variations of Sweet Gum fall colors are greatly appreciated. Thanks for all your other trees along with Lost_Gecko’s and Stone3D’s fine creations. You all make this map what it is!
– Many thanks to Funchenstein for his advice on railroad construction! Modern infrastructure has been throughly planned, with careful attention to gameplay mechanics.
– Thanks to Agusingnavy, Kapustor and Arisandi for the fine intersections used in this map
– Thanks to OWL for the inspriation and sharing with me ways to bring my map skills up to that next level!
– Thanks to Ronyx69 for sharing the water and foam normals! They make the theme look so much better.
– Thanks to everyone at Skylines Nation group for the encouragement and the great ideas they share every day!
There are many more thanks, but if I don’t just get on with publishing, it will take another 2 years before I finish this. ?