Ford Focus 2013
The item belongs to ramoncontell, i just added lights. Thumbnail, colors and everything else was kept. WARNING: By request of the original author this asset can be removed from workshop unannounced.
ramoncontell‘s original Ford Focus 2013 link:
¬ Diffuse map.
¬ Specular map.
¬ Illumination map (turning, braking signals and headlights).
¬ Alpha map.
¬ Color Mask (4 colors).
¬ Normal map.
¬ 918 tri.
¬ LOD 70 tri.
¬ textures 512×512.
¬ LOD textures 64×64.
My Workshop:
Placeholder TRAIN STATION:
Reserve space needed for the Train Station, allowing city planning ahead. (under construction version)
Placeholder TRAIN STATION:
Reserve space needed for the Train Station, allowing city planning ahead. (with full rail version)