Forsmark reactor nr: 3
Forsmark3.1 by ehrlund:
This is the last nuclear power reactor of a total of three, representing Forsmarks all reactors in Sweden.
(The 3.1 is just because of a minor tweak.)
Because CS keeps crashing when I try to open the model in the asset editor to find out the data, this is this the only info about the building I got at the moment:
Plot Sizes: Reactor 1 & 2: 12×13 Reactor 3: 8×16 I think, gotta check this one up to…
Up Keep: 300 / week
Power Out put: 900 MW
This being the latest and most efficient reactor of the three.
I think reactor 1 and 2 have basically the same specks as the in game Power Plant. You should obviously build them in the correct order as well. Reactor 1, Reactor 2 and last Reactor 3 ?
Reactor: 1
Reactor: 2