Freespace Bosch Beer Truck. [Paintable truck repaint]
BoschBeer Truck repaint by Arrowsforu (AKA DefCynodont119 on Hard Light Productions)
This is a repaint of stmSantana’s Paintable Truck. ( ), it is Mostly an inside joke for anyone who visits Freespace open’s modding forum: Hard-Light Productions, or who played the original 1999 3D space-shooter sim: Freespace 2 at some point or another.
Would-be Tech-room description:
“The NTF Bosch Beer Truck is the Neo-Terran Front’s latest propaganda machine. Armed with the promise of a cool refreshing taste and the threat of planetary invasion, hundreds of NTF Bosch Beer Trucks was sent 300 years back in time through the Ross128 plothole by Admiral Aken H. Bosch to the old Earth city of [your city name here] as part of a plan to prevent the formation of the GTVA.”
Jokes aside, I made this as a test to learn how to use the asset editor. I had a boatload of fun making it, but I have other things going on so I don’t think I will make another any time soon.
Freespace 2 [c] Volition.
Bosch Beer TAC 1 texture by Galemp
Bosch Beer TC-Tri texture by Max Sterling