French Suburban House Pack
Pack of 6 generic French suburban or rural villas. Contains one house of each level (2 level 2s). All 2×2, except the level 4 house that is 1×1 and can be used as a wall-to-wall house. No props.
As the Workshop is currently lacking european suburban houses, I made these ones more as a stop-gap measure than anything else. They do the job as fillers but aren’t very varied or fancy because they all share the same textures.
I will probably make a red roof version of these, and maybe more similar houses, but it’s not a promise.
Map: Merchants Bay – Map theme: New Caledonia – LUT: not released yet
Modelsmain models
tris: 184-262-285-301-405-449
textures: 256×1024 (diffuse-normal-specular-color-illumination)
tris: 14-28
textures: 128×128 (diffuse-specular-color-illumination)
- Move It!
- Plop the Growables
My Workshop page
Simtropolis forum thread[community.simtropolis.com]
Mind map of my stuff[www.mindmeister.com]
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