Fudged Population Enhanced
Cities skylines enhanced fudged population mod
An enhanced version of the cities skylines fudged population mod
This mod is a slightly enhanced version of this mod .
The main difference is that the new fudged population display will take place visually over the real simulated population. The number of actual simulated agents does not change. Same goes for the populations displayed in the district panels.
If the original population is preferred, then simply click on the green person icon next to the population to toggle between the two displays.
This is merely visual aesthetics to make your city feel like it is bigger than what really is. Ignorance is Bliss right?
This will increase the population in a linear manor vs using the fudged 2013 alogorithim. So a populaton of 10 with a multiplier of 2 becomes 20. And so forth.. If no value is set then the mod wil defaut to the original fudged population alogrithim.
Source on GitHub[github.com]