Futuristic Town Museum CC
Futuristic Town Museum CC
The Idea of this beautyful Building is based on the “Heydar Aliyev Center” from Azerbaijan.
( ). And because Artist create Art. This was extremly hard to design and to make it fit into the game, about 50h work. Don’t ask me about lowest LOD or the not so nice normal maps (I gave my best). The right side of the ground must be very flat, otherwise the “bands” will clip in to the ground.
5242 Polys
8438 Tris
4355 Verts
2048 Texture Maps (inkl. Normal Map and baked AO and GI!)
InGame Stats:
Construction Cost: One Million
Maintenance Cost: 15500 (~2000/Week)
Entertainment Radius 450
Monument Level: 4
UnEdu: 4
Edu: 15
HighEdu: 9
My Workshop Stuff
LUT used for Screenshots:
AO for soft Shadows:
Dynamic Resolution for Downsampling AA
And Reshade 3.0