G2OS2H Marry-Nation
Marina Bay Resort var with loads of custom props!
“the Green Galaxy Ouster Shell-Sphere Hub Marry-Nation lures couples from all over the world to take their vows in the Heart of Nature’s Beauty. Meatbag, robot and virtual staff alike is obviously instructed to call every visitor “Kiddo”, except for ceremonies. It features the same badge at the entrance like the G2OS2H…
For really rich visitors, a VIP underwater honeymoon-suite is bookable.
There’s rumours, that a night in there is like floating in zero-G. But so far, no one could look under the bonnets of this room, because of the attractively playful Dryad-Squid-Squad.
The DS² wears short, leafy uniforms, greenly-shaded dreadlocks and has coppery-glittering skin. Mainly female members, their vigor seems almost unnatural.”
PLS take care with the loudness of the music!
by forestfey
C-LOG: updated and re-arranged some props along with a list of them. Added some after Dark lighting and access-road and explanatory screenshots. Tests commencing.