Gelb Passage
The Gelb Passage is a very rugged map consisting of a yellow, grassy valley surrounded by mountains. The buildable area is fairly limited – the game reports only 35% of the map is suitable, but I think that this estimation is a little low. Nevertheless, don’t expect to be able to build a sprawling metropolis on this map. Placing larger buildings, such as the international airport, may require the terraforming mod.
The map’s river system utilizes many water sources. As a result, I don’t recommend building any dams, or placing water pumps or sewage outakes in any of the rivers. However, there are many lakes scattered about the pass with high water capacity sources, meaning that you can use them as water intake or output without worry. There are two in the starting tile specifically for this purpose.
All of the resource types are available on this map, and are used mostly for aesthetic purposes than anything.
Sea transportation isn’t available, the rivers are simply too shallow to allow for the placement of ship routes.
There are roughly 30,000 spare trees before hitting the limit. If this poses an issue, don’t download Gula’s grass asset, or simply thin the foliage out in the editor.
Per usual the base height map was hand drawn in Photoshop, then edited heavily in Wilbur and given a pass in game.
Thanks to MrGroenning, whose interchange I used on this map because I’m bad at roads.