GiTS Huge Office Building(ID#04) 14×11 Lvl 6 Unique Building
GiTS Huge Office Building(ID#04) by Eacon&Bggs 14×11 Lvl 6 Unique Building
From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Project collab by EaconNBggs and Haruban
Collection Link here:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=619942937
Hi All,
This time around, here’s my work on one of the massive buildings iconic to the GITS universe. There will be more to come! I can’t wait to bring more of them to life in Cities:Skylines!
Again Thanks for the interest! Questions, comments? Feel free to send a PM!
Hope you enjoy our work!
Building Description
A massive scale office that can be seen in the Ghost in the Shell 1995 Film. This building stands at approximately 560 m and has a private helipad at the top for VIPs. Not the tallest building.
Technical Info
Mesh Triangles: 1,687
LOD triangles : 199
texture(diffuse) map : 1024×1024.png 355 Kb
Specular map: 1024×1024.png 11.9 Kb
Illumination map : 1024×1024.png 14.2 Kb
alpha map 1024×1024.png 16.1 Kb
no normal map
no colormask map
LOD diffuse map 1024×1024.png 190 Kb
LOD Specular 1024×1024.png 1 7.7 Kb
LOD illumination map 1024×1024.png 31.7 Kb
LOD Alpha
Level 6 unique building.
Cost to build: $412,000
Upkeep: $2800/week
water: 544 m^3/week
electricity: 2448 KW
Height 560 m
Footprint 14 x 11
estimated floors 180