GO Train Series VIII Cab
Train capacity:180
In 2015, Metrolinx introduced an updated Cab-Car to the GO Transit fleet. The Cab-Car allows for front end control when being pushed by a locomotive in the rear. This new design is being built in the 300-359 – Series VIII by Bombardier.
Author Windows 3.1 is credited for the original Cab-Car which by observation appears to be the Series VII model. This updated version of the train includes the same locomotive with the addition of the updated colour scheme. This design has been emulated in our other GO Transit assets, and its colour remains unaffected by such mods as the IPT – Improved Public Transport 3.8.8.
So, for those who enjoy symmetry in designs for their cities; subscribe to the entire collection as all buses and trains follow the same design pattern.
Credit for conception and commission goes to BrowncoatTrekky. Credit goes to DanDeKalb for creation and implementation for Cities Skylines. Please reference DanDeKalb if further adaptations are to be made.