GODZILLA Fourth form

Cities: Skylines Mods |

GODZILLA Fourth form

GODZILLA Fourth form

Shin Godzilla is a living organism that appeared in Japanese cinema of the public July 29, 2016.

Suddenly it appeared giant unknown organisms in Tokyo Bay.
Its identity is the presence of ancient marine life caused ingested ecological change the radioactive waste which countries were dumping in the deep sea 60 years ago.
A complete organism that reign in substantial vertex of the earth’s ecosystem, is in the body encloses an enormous amount of genetic information of approximately 8 times the unknown radioactive elements and a human, its appearance is a wide variety, such as birds, reptiles, fish organisms It combines the properties.
Other to adapt to a variety of environments by morphological changes due to the evolution of only one individual that does not pass through the generations, it has to overcome the toxicity of the radioactive substance, possible that even transcends the concept of further not pass, avoiding as a biological “death” sex has been suggested.
Thermonuclear energy conversion living organism emits heat is handled by the liquid cooling by heat dissipation and blood by the dorsal fin.
On the other hand requires a rapid cooling is when these cooling system caused the dysfunction, the same phenomenon as reactor scram in the body occurs, have the disadvantage that to stop the biological activity.

Please subscribe to “No Water Check” If to be installed in the water.

Hight : 118.5m
full length : 333m
Weight : 92000t

Triangle : 11781
Texture : 2048 x 2048

Original 3DModel Created by ByNEET

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Useful Information:
- Cities: Skylines 2 Mods
- About Cities: Skyline Game
- How to Install Cities: Skylines Mods

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