Grand Circus
Grand Circus – The circus is in town!
This is a unique building using the template milestones of “Friendly Neighbourhood Park” (need to build 10 000 squares of residential zone to unlock).
Several custom props are needed to complete the look – please remember to subscribe them also!
No custom mods are required. After Dark DLC is not required.
Size: 10 x 7
Type: unique building
Contruction cost: 25 000
Maintenance cost: 1000
Entertainment accumulation: 125
Entertainment radius: 600
Attractiveness accumulation: 8
Tourists: 70 low-wealth, 60 mid-wealth, 50 high-wealth
Electricity use: 20
Water/ Sewage: 4 /4
Garbage accumulation: 2
Workers: uneducated 10, educated 10, well educated 10, highly educated 2.
Credit and thank you to other authors:
Semi truck and trailer props by Shroomblaze
Food cart and popcorn cart by ReticentDaikaiju
Portable toilet by Morsh
Caravan by Archie Cuntingham
The circus tent was originally part of a model “Circus Splendido” (by Ian W.) I found in 3D Warehouse. I modified it and made the texture.
Sirkus – Cirkus – Zirkus – Cirque – Cyrk – Цирк