Gyronev UH-9 Solyom
The Gyronev UH-9 Solyom is a small scout helicopter commisioned by the republic of San Palma, the design comes from a mix between a bell 412 and an Urga Postolka, both aircraft engineers from Medici as well as San Palma worked on the design, However, it is produced in San Palma by the Gyronev Ingegneria aeronautica Corporation, which specialises in the production and designing of Military aircraft.
The Solyom is very multifunctional, it can either be used as a scouting/patrol helicopter but it can also take on the role of light assault helicopter, as well as troop transportation and medical duty.
This one comes armed with a 7.62 mm minigun and 4 laser guided AT missiles.
While reluctant at first, His Exellency, Presidente Giovanni has officially Signed Export contracts to foreign nations.
(works as a Police Helicopter, Natural disasters is thus a Requirement)