Harlough Harlingworth
Nestled in the vallies and rolling hills of the Swizz Alps, Harlough Harlingworth (named after a famous war general who fought for this resource rich land) is an upcoming central hub connecting several nearby city boarders together! Will you be able to handle the extream traffic not only from your citizens but from the through roads too? Make sure to take advantage of the nearby flight path, rail and boat connections!
You have been given the construction contract with no strings attached, there are plenty re-newable AND non-renewable energy sources to hand so take care citing new areas and by all means…. DON’T FORGET TO TURN A HEAVY PROFIT! Mauwahahahah, HAHHAHAHAH, all at the enviroment AND peoples expense… I can barely believe this is legal… Hop into your new helecopter Mayor, courtisey of H&H PLC (Harlough and Harlingworth Public Limited Company) and let’s get you down there stat!.. we’ll send you the invoice later.. Just think of it as a waiters tip for our services… Thanks a BILLION, Goood Luck.