Hemlock Highlands
Overlooking the Ashawashka River, the Hemlock Highlands comprise of forested mountains and fertile valleys. Loosely based on the Hudson Highlands in New York, the Hemlock Highlands map provides beautiful natural views of Northeastern terrain. Much of this map is covered by steep mountains, making it better suited to rural towns and small cities than bustling urban megalopolises. Hemlock Highlands is accessible via one train track, one plane route, and one ship route, as well as a six lane parkway by the river and a two lane highway through Stonybrook valley.
Screenshots were taken using the Realistic Boreal map theme and Realistic LUT.
– Tall, Ore-Rich Mountains
– Fertile Valleys
– A Wide, Calm River
– A Narrow but Long Brook
– A Still and Peaceful Lake
– Coniferous Forests
– Train, Plane, Boat, and Road Connections
– Realistic Boreal Map Theme (Beta)
– Bare Tree D
– Small Trees Cluster
– Realistic LUT
– 81 Tiles