Hessische Bergstrasse Roads
This is a map of the region ‘Hessische Bergstrasse’ in the south of Hessen, Germany
in addition to the origin map (see for more info and screenshots) all main roads are pre-build (sadly the Asset-Editor has a smaller limit on ‘Zoned Blocks’)
You will only have to subscribe to ‘Network Extensions 2’, all other mods/assets are optional.
But i recommend to use ‘Traffic Manager: President Edition’ to set up intersections and make use of the ‘special rules’ and of course ’81 Tiles (Fixed for C:S 1.2+) [ Snowfall Compatible ]’ to use the whole map.
‘OverLayer v2’ can render an Overlay[1drv.ms] (14.900*14.900px, 103MB)
‘Bush #1 (by Breeze)’ is used for the vineyards. Edit (25.03.2017): a nice ‘vineyard rack (prop)’ was released recently, which will fit much better than the bush.
All screenshots are taken with LUT ‘Realistic LUT V1.2’ and map theme ‘Realistic V1.4.2 European’ (‘Realistic V1.4.4 European (Beta)’)