Hirose Entretainment Yard
LiThor Studios is pleased to present the second building completed for CSL, welcome to Hirose Entretainment Yard.
It provides a significant entretainment boost to the area it is built in and requires an airport to be built in order to plop.
The model has the following stats:
Tris: 3694
Texture: 1536 x 1024
File size: 6.3MB
Building stats:
50 noise pollution.
600 ~ tourist attractions
Power and water requirements as usual.
Known bugs:
For some reason on my side (not sure if with other people), the night windows might break, causing them to shut off entirely. Constant tab + shifting appears to cause this but it might as well be a bug due to some visual mod I might have on my side. I am experimenting with a new type of window lighting which might be some cause of the shut offs.
No props on the side: this is due to the building having a lot EXACTLY 2 x 4. I can’t place manually prop on the side or lights on that case, so this might look odd. In the real life, the building has a building on the left side (no ads) and the exposed side has just one ad on the front corner.
Thank you and please report any issues with the building.
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