Hollywood Video
Hollywood Video
Remember Hollywood Video? Now your citizens has a chance to enjoy renting movies, games and buy
all the movie snacks they always dreamed of and I’m sure they will enjoy the late fees as well.
Hollywood Video was a home video and video game rental shop company that started in 1988.
The chain was the largest direct competitor to Blockbuster Video until it was purchased
by Movie Gallery in 2005. Hollywood Video ceased operations in May 2010, when Movie Gallery,
its parent company, declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Its last US store closed its doors on
July 31, 2010, whereas the last one in Canada closed on August 8 of that year. (Wikipedia)
Low commercial Level 1 4×4 growable building
Model- 1404
Lod- 20
Model- 1024×1024
Lod- Auto generated