Impact Island-EU-remastered
Impact Island remastered by Tobse
In the remastered version of the Impact Island map I make the mountains lower, add a new river, add special view points and I edit the waterground navmesh, now its more in real life, no hard cut between ocean/river and shoreline/cost.
-Starting area is in the center
-European setting
-If you want use the Dam area you need the mod Extra Landscaping Tools by BloodyPenguinIn the Dam area I place a water source and with this tool you can upgrade the water flow. You can produce 1600 MW of electricity when you build a Dam.
-Infinite Oil and Ore mod are also advantageous
Special thank to agusingnavy I used the Y Stack Interchange 120º in this map.Y Stack Interchange 120ºhttp://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=560617983