Inner Link Scania LFA
The Inner Link is the easiest way to get around Auckland’s inner city according to heartofthecity.co.nz The route runs from “Britomart Train Station, out to Parnell, through Newmarket, along K-Rd, Ponsonby Rd, past Victoria Park and then back to Britomart via SkyCity. The buses are bright green and the service runs on such a frequent basis that timetables are not required.”
Auckland New Zealand’s bus designs do not employ this Scania Citywide bus model. Research suggests that that is covered by Ritchies Transport Holdings.
Cleverly defined as Inner Link and Outer Link; you can utilize these buses to further separate core transit of your city from the suburbs.
Capacity: 130
Triangle count: 2512
Texture resolution: 1024×1024
Custom LOD model: Yes
Credit for conception and commission goes to BrowncoatTrekky. Credit goes to DanDeKalb for creation and implementation for Cities Skylines. Please reference DanDeKalb if further adaptations are to be made.